The other thing to consider is that not all steel is the same. This material is highly ductile and in my experience doesn't fracture. It tends to split, but stay in one piece. Take a look at this steel casing failure of an early SStS motor test that I conducted.

Steel casings have been a favorite of mine for a while. Here is an image of some of the motors that I've made that utilized steel casings.

Motors one and two are an A-100 and B-200 made to the specs found on Richard's site. Motors 3-5 are variations on the B-200. Number three was an attempt to make as light weight a B-200 motor as possible. I used the base of a touchier lamp that I found in the trash for the casing. It was an incredibly light weight steel tube with a wall thickness just under 0.020". That was a great motor back when I was flying it. Motors six and seven were good motors, I discussed them in an earlier post here. Number eight is the motor that I'm updating now and number nine was a workhorse of a motor that used 2.5" emt (electrical metallic tubing) with an actual OD of 2.875". You can see that motors performance in an earlier post here. To get back to this design, lets look at the numbers I came up with using Richards Motor Casing Design software.
This is a very handy tool. You enter in the dimensions and material properties of the proposed casing. It then tells you the the design pressure, burst pressure, elastic deformation under pressure, and design and burst safety factors. If I use 01 as the design safety factor, I find out that at around 1800psi the materials yield strength would be exceeded and I could expect permanent deformation to occur. Knowing this I will design my closures (a radial bolt pattern) to fail at around 1800 psi. That way if I want to add a burn rate enhancer to the propellant, as I did here, and run the motor at a higher chamber pressure, I'll have the flexibility to do so. Also there is no point in running the motor at a chamber pressure that would damage the case, at least not for this design.
Next I will draw out the desing in CAD so that I can start to visualize it better.

Next I will draw out the desing in CAD so that I can start to visualize it better.
1 comment:
The head is only placed here for the picture. Heads, collars, trim and arms will not be assembled until they are stained or painted. Since my shop is not heated I will have to wait until the weather warms up. So this will be it for awhile.fencing supplies
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